CosmoTranslate Privacy

On CosmoTranslate, accessible via, visitor privacy is paramount. Our Privacy Policy outlines the kind of information we gather, record from our site, and illustrate its application.

For extra queries or further info on CosmoTranslate's Privacy Policy, don't hesitate to reach out.

This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website with regards to the information that they shared and/or collect in domain. This policy is not applicable to any information collected offline or via channels other than this website. Our Privacy Policy was created with the help of the Free Privacy Policy Generator.


"By using CosmoTranslate, you agree to our Privacy Policy and its terms."

CosmoTranslate Info

The personal data requested on CosmoTranslate, and why we need it, will be explicitly communicated when we ask for your information.

When you reach out to us at CosmoTranslate, we might gather extra details like your name, email ID, phone number, content of your message/attachments, and any further information you willingly share.

Upon registration at CosmoTranslate, we may require details like your name, email, phone number, and postal address for setting up your account.

CosmoTranslate data usage

CosmoTranslate utilizes collected data for diverse actions such as:

  • "Run, sustain, and upgrade CosmoTranslate"
  • Enhance, customize, and grow CosmoTranslate.
  • Explore your use patterns on CosmoTranslate.
  • "CosmoTranslate: Launching innovative features and translations."
  • Interact with you, directly or via our affiliates, for customer support, to give updates and data regarding CosmoTranslate, also for marketing and promotional activities.
  • CosmoTrnslt
  • "Monitor CosmoTranslate"


CosmoTranslate adheres to a conventional approach of leveraging log files. The log files record user interaction whenever they access our site. It's a standard practice employed by all hosting providers as part of their analytical services. The data recorded within these files typically includes users' IP addresses, browser particulars, ISP details, dates and timestamps of visits, inbound/outbound pages, and potentially the number of interactions. This data, however, doesn't contain personal identifiers. The purpose of collecting this data lies in understanding visitor patterns, site management, tracing user journey on the site, and acquiring demographic data.

CosmoTranslate Tools

Similar to other platforms, CosmoTranslate employs 'cookies'. These cookies collect data such as user preferences and visited pages on our site. This info helps enhance user experience by tailoring our translation page content according to visitors' browser type or other data.

"CosmoTranslate Privacy & Usage Policy"

Refer to this list for the Privacy Policy of CosmoTranslate's various translating partners.

CosmoTranslate, a translation site, utilizes tools such as cookies, JavaScript and Web Beacons to enhance its services. These technologies are integrated into our advertisements and links on different platforms, and swiftly sent to your browser. By doing this your IP address is known which helps us measure the efficacy of our advertising initiatives. Moreover, it aids in customizing the advertisement content based on your web browsing experiences.

CosmoTranslate has no control over cookies used by third-party advertisers on its site.

CosmoTranslate Privacy Code

CosmoTranslate's Privacy Policy does not cover other translators or websites. Therefore, we recommend you review the specific Privacy Policies of these third-party translation services for comprehensive details. This may cover their procedures and guidance on how to decline certain features.

You may opt to deactivate cookies via your unique browser settings. For in-depth details about managing cookies with specific browsers on CosmoTranslate, visit the respective websites.

CosmoTranslate Privacy Rights (Don't Sell My Info)

On CosmoTranslate, users have the right to accuracy, privacy, and security.

Ask CosmoTranslate to disclose the types and specific pieces of personal data they have gathered from users on their translation site.

Ask CosmoTranslate to remove any personal data they have gathered about me.

Ask CosmoTranslate not to sell my personal translation data.

For any requests on CosmoTranslate, allow us up to one month for response. To utilize any rights, reach out to us.

CosmoTranslate Data Rights

CosmoTranslate wants to ensure you're fully informed about your data rights. As a user, you're entitled to the following:

The right to access І‚њ You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification І‚њ You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure І‚њ You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing І‚њ You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing І‚њ You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability І‚њ You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

For any requests on CosmoTranslate, allow us up to one month for response. To utilize any rights, reach out to us.

'CosmoTranslate Info'

A key priority for CosmoTranslate is user safety, especially for children. All parents and guardians are urged to oversee, engage in, and/or supervise children's usage of our translation site.

CosmoTranslate conscientiously refrains from collecting identifiable data from children below 13 years. If you believe your child has submitted such information on our platform, please contact us immediately. We pledge to promptly erase the said data from our records.